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Bastet Cat Hospital

When Should I Be Concerned About My Cat's Symptoms?

Just like humans, our furry feline pals can sometimes feel under the weather. But when should we really be concerned about our cat's symptoms? Here are a few symptoms you shouldn't ignore.


If you have any concerns about your cat's health, it is best to visit your veterinarian or an emergency care facility to ensure the health and safety of your cat. The symptoms listed below are common concerning indicators, however always check with a licensed veterinarian whether your cat has a certain illness.

1. Not Eating For 24 Hours

If your cat has not eaten in 24 hours this could be a sign of a serious illness, and you should go to your vet or an emergency clinic as soon as possible.

While some cat owners try to help their cat by changing their food, this can often hurt them even more. Changing the food also makes it harder to diagnose illnesses, and could delay the correct treatment for your cat.

2. Unplanned Weight loss

Unplanned Weight loss could be an indicator of a serious illness. Often times, weightless is a sign of cancer, until proven otherwise. If you notice any unplanned weight loss in your cat, be sure to visit your veterinarian as soon as possible.

3. Vomiting

Vomiting is not a disease in itself, but rather a serious symptom of disease. If you notice your cat vomiting, take a video of your cat vomiting and go to a vet or emergency clinic as soon as possible. Show this video to your vet, for it can help speed up the diagnostic process. Do not change your cat's food.

4. Diarrhea

Similar to vomiting, if you notice your cat having diarrhea, take your pet to an animal hospital as soon a possible, for diarrhea is a very serious symptom. Do not change your cat's food, and bring a stool sample in a clean ziplock bag to the vet.

5. Coughing

Unlike humans, cats are not supposed to cough. Coughing in cats is very alarming, and often an indicator of severe feline asthma. If you notice your cat coughing, take them to your vet or the nearest emergency clinic as soon as possible.

6. Eye Discharge, Red Eye, or Abnormal Blinking

Abnormalities with your cat's eye including eye discharge, red eye, or abnormal blinking could indicate a foreign body in your cat's eye. Often times, the foreign body could be litter from the litter box, but visit your vet as soon as possible to rule out any diseases or foreign bodies.

7. Foul Odor from Mouth

Foul Odor from your cat's mouth could indicate a variety of things.

1. Tooth Abscess

2. Broken Tooth

3. Periodental Diseases

4. Gingivitis

If you notice this symptom in your cat, schedule an appointment with your vet to make sure your cat receives the best care.

8. Dandruff

While dandruff might seem relatively harmless, it could actually be an indicator of parasites or a pre-diabetic cat. Be sure to keep an eye out for dandruff, and if you do notice it, be sure to visit your vet.

9. Lack of Grooming, or Matted Hair

Cats are known for being extremely hygienic and intelligent creatures. However, if your feline friend stops grooming themselves, or even start to form matted hair, this could be an indicator of a much more serious disease. Be sure to talk to your vet to treat your cat accordingly.

10. Excessive Licking of Fur on Abdomen

Excessive licking could be a sign of a variety of illnesses:

1. UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)

2. Inflamed Disk

3. Back Pain

4. Injury to Base of Tail

5. Tooth Abscess

6. Inappropriate Food/Diet

Be sure to contact your vet as soon as possible so your vet can make the appropriate diagnosis for your cat.

Call Bastet Cat Hospital at (818)-846-8600 during business hours to schedule an appointment.

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